Species analysis
Statistical exploration
Classification trees
Mourning Dove
Occurred the most disproportionately in hexagons with July
precipitation (hex. min.) of less than 13 mm and with little or no area
in public ownership. In moister regions (July precipitation [hex. min.]
of 14 - 23 mm), it is most likely to occur where April precipitation
(hex. med.) is less than 137 mm and July precipitation (hex. med.) is
more than 18 mm. The logistic regression analysis showed positive or
negative association with agricultural lands, Sitka spruce - w. hemlock
maritime forest, true fir - mountain hemlock montane forest, April
precipitation (hex. med.), May maximum temperature (hex. med.),
May precipitation (hex. med.), and-to a lesser degree-stream
density, sagebrush steppe, red alder - bigleaf maple forest, May
maximum temperature (hex. max.), topographic variation, and the
extent of public land.
Classification trees
Hexagons: using ONHP land cover classification (accuracy score: 94.42)
Squares: using ONHP land cover classification (accuracy score: 77.60)
Hexagons: using AVHRR land cover classification (accuracy score: 94.65)